Friday, April 21, 2017

Week Sixteen: Unhinged: Nightmare III

 Her first instinct was to hide. She could hide, then return home, but then she would have to put the barriers up once again. He could sense this in her, and that’s why he sat quietly in his room. This was a big decision on her part, now that he knew how she truly felt about the situation. This was one of the aspect of this dimension that she hated. Nothing was a secret here. At least, between them.

 After her como relationship with him she spent more time appreciating who she was physically around. Although the memories of their love life lingered in her heart, she set her eyes on what she could physically see and focused on providing the love and appreciation that she was not able to give for her ten month coma.

 To allow him to be part of her life again was a big question. Because in her eyes, they had a life here in this dimension but not one in the physical world. He was loving and understand and persistent. Although, there was the language barrier.

 Appearing in the room with him, she looked over his body from head to toe. He was still physically attractive. More so, emotionally considering she knew everything he did in his perspective. It was hard to want to say no to him. To return to a life that seemed real enough that she forgot that her physically body was frozen made her long for what they had.

 “Baby steps.” She finally said as she looked deep into his eyes. “We never actually talked about where either of us were from.”

 He smiled. “If waiting two years isn’t long enough then I will do what I can, my love. I was hoping that this action itself could prove to you how much I care.”

 Vali looked through his memories as she tampered with a pencil at his work station. “Santiago Acero Cifuentes.” She said as the name came to her and rhythmically left her lips.

 “Vali.” He said, his head tilted. “I always thought it was short for something.” He smiled. “Like Valentine.”

 “No.” She blushed. “Although, I don’t mind you calling me Valentine if it’s easier for you.”

 “Vali- Sylvia- Xevolta….” Santiago said, his accent adjusting certain vowels. “That’s…” He smiled. “Muy bonita.”

 “Very beautiful…” the translation came to her with a smil. “Santiago…” She said as she stood from his work station. “Here, we can translate… In real life we can’t do that.” She smirked.  

 “Whatever language you speak.” He, said approaching her. “I’ll learn it.” He said as he took her hand. “I want us to be together.” He said, placing a kiss on her forehead. “I’ll do whatever it takes.”

 Benjamin sat up in discomfort. There was something not right. Getting up quickly, he slipped into a shirt and jeans then ran to his sister’s room. Knocking on the door quietly, Benjamin spoke up in the way he did before he would enter her room. “Vali, I’m coming in.”

 Running to her bedside, Benjamin placed a light hand on his sister’s forehead. She seemed to not have a fever, that’s usually what woke him up if it was small. A deep fear emerged as he spoke to her in a shaky voice. “Vali…” His voice lost in fear.

 “Can you hear me, Vali?” He asked bringing her hand in his. “Please tell me you’ll be back soon, Vali.” He said with tears in his eyes. “I have a feeling you’re not going to be able to hear me this time.”

 Laying next to Santiago with his arm around her, Vali let out a comforting sigh. “I miss cuddling with you.” She said playing with his finger.

 “You don’t have to tell me twice.” Santiago smiled, giving her a kiss on the cheek. “Who is that?” He said as he looked up, a boy appeared at Santiago’s work station, arms crossed with his head down.

 “Who’s?” Vali questioned, turning to see the boy. “Ben…” She said, looking into Santiago’s eyes. “That’s my brother.” She replied.

 “How is he?” He questioned in concern. “Can he do what we can do?”

 “No.” Vali replied, now in more alarm. I need to wake up.” She said, giving Santiago a long kiss on the lips. “He needs me. He’s never jumped into this state before and if he’s-”

 Santiago’s lips stopped Vali from continuing. Pulling away a moment later, Santiago nodded. “Do what you have to do. I don’t want you to go through that pain again,” he said allowing her to stand.

 Nodding, Vali embraced Santiago once more then approached her brother. “Ben, how are you in Santiago’s room…?” She questioned then quickly adjusted her speech.

 “Hey, Ben…” She said with a smile. “Can you hear me?”

 “I…” Ben’s figure fluctuate as if the connection between the two was hazy. “You’re asleep how are you…?” He said, staring at the wall of Santiago’s room.

 “It’s a long story, brother.” Vali said, the queue of the nightmare leaking into her sense. “Brother, please I’ll come to you. Go to bed. I will awaken soon.”

 A silent pause was held between them. “You better.” He said, his figure fading from view. Turning to Santiago, Vali smiled. “I love you.” She said, receiving a reply in whatever language he spoke, Santiago frowned and pointed to his heart instead.

 Nodding, she touched her own then turned away from his. Around her the world slipped into darkness. The warrior’s kiss lingered on her lips. Heart breaking, Vali watched as she once again lived through the last moments of people’s lives.

 The last cry of the innocent child emerged from her lips, Vali shot up in a startle, her breath shaken and her sweat running down her face. Within second, her brother emerged at her door, tackling her in her bed.

 “I don’t know what happened, or what that was…” He said as he cried in her arms. “But whatever that is…” He held her tightly. “I love you and please…” His breath was slow. “I need an explanation.”

 Metting her brother’s eyes, Vali’s eyes widen as she saw the look that she knew she had given after her first interaction with the nightmares. “Please tell me you didn’t see anyone…”

 “Why?”! Ben’s voice raised in confusion and anger. “Is this why you wake up screaming almost every night?”

 Vali’s tears fell from her face as she held her brother tightly. “Yes.” She said squeezing him. “It’s a hell I hoped no one else would have to imagine.”

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