Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Author's note Unhinged

  Hello everyone!

  Luckily, for all of you I have written all the chapters up to April. Since this story format makes me think of my past story that I managed to complete but not publish I have faith that these chapters will come together easily. Overall, this story is meant to move in a general direction and even though I am not 100% on where that is, I hope to find is somewhere in the next quarter.

  I know that you all want me to bring back some old characters and eventually I will. I will also be filling in more terms as I go along in Dax's story line. For now you'll see me write human/animal or speak about ones that I already know about. (Pheonix, Dragon, Goblin, ect). I want to continued enlightening you all with different typed f mythology but for story sake that will have to wait.

  There is a possible chance that I will be leaving the country later in the year or in the next. I hope that this does not interfere with how I can write to you all for I enjoy writing stories. Although I do ask this, now that I see more a constant amount of you... First, thank you or the +1's and the views. Second, please tell me what you think about these chapters.

  Tell me what grabs your attention, if anything please tell me what you would like to see again in other stories. As you all figured I have put down Revelations of Dragons and the Descendant. But if those are the stories that caught you eyes first please tell me why! I do know that when I went back and read Revelations of Dragons at the beginning I started in 1st person then switch to 3rd so hopefully I can fix that in time.

  Eventually, I would like to record myself reading each of the weekly chapters to help me edit through and bring out the stories to more people. If anything, if you all can share this blog or share those videos when they come out. I'd appreciate it. Thank you for your time here, and I'll inform you on more as the info comes to me.

Again, thank you
Danieljames Domar

Friday, January 27, 2017

Week Four: Unhinged: Dax II

 Fire emerged from Dax’s chest. This was it. He was done being a lab rat. Sprawling out his wings he took flight and took full form of his dragon self for the first time. The scientist and poked and pried at him enough. He was a human being! At least, he was. Until his fifteenth birthday. Before then, he was going to school, at a public school anyway. Under the scientist’s eyes he was allowed to attend classes but only with other kids in his position. Some loved the scientist, some hated, others didn’t care. They were being fed and given a warm place to sleep at night. For those few, that was enough. However, for Dex, the daily schedule irked him.

 Morning warm up, Physical Therapy (this varied depending on what mythic you were, History (which was probably full of lies and half truths), lunch, weekly exams, and many more classes that demanded mythics to hone in on their abilities. Around the scientific city, Dax knew there would be a shield of some sort. These people were ‘raising’ mythics after all. There were rumors of places unacceptable to Mythics, other places were loved by mythics, and in some the emotions varied.

 Many mythics were found at a younger age and brought into the City of Relics. This was one aspect of the city that Dax especially hated. A relic was an object of history that survived into the modern world. To Dax, that meant not only was he an object but he a piece of history meant to be in a museum to be observed. That meant, his life was determined by those who observed him, determining the value of his life through their eyes.

 Releasing another fireball at one of the scientist riding a griffin, the scientist ducked, and ordered the griffin to charge. Looking into the eyes of the griffin, Dax knew exactly who that was. She was one of the many prizes of the city. A teen from Brooklynn who found her inner griffin then appeared at the doors of the city. She wanted to be recognized and used for something other than… Her life blurred in his mind. Either way, to him, it didn’t matter. Namia was two years older than him and somehow felt like a star in this City of Relic which was the opposite of what he wanted.

 Hearing her screech behind him, Dax enhanced his speed. If there was anything he was known for, it was his level of fire, and his speed. He wasn’t one of the stronger mythics but he did know how to create a consistent amount of damage. Approaching the edge of the city, Dax watched carefully as a shimmer waved across the sky starting at the top of the city’s wall and disappeared in the distance overhead.

 In front of Dax was his way out. Earlier that morning he found the microchip that they placed behind in right ear and removed it. Because of that, he could leave the city without worrying that his head might blow off. (He had seen it done before) to a Centuar, poor guy. Or should he consider him a horse?

 Glancing over his shoulder he noted how fast Namia was going, her top speed. Namia was beautiful but she wasn’t much for being intelligent. She followed orders without a second thought and allowed the scientist around her control who she was. Dax was finished with orders, despite him being one of the most prized dragons on site, Dax couldn’t allow himself to be a slave to anyone.

 Pushing his speed, Dax considered the distance between him and Namia. She was having trouble keeping up, all he needed to do now was use his time wisely. Flying head first toward the barrier, Dax felt the sparks ticked his scales as he shot himself upward. Namia wouldn’t be able to maneuver as quickly, meaning that she wouldn’t be able to stop in time to avoid the barrier. Dax didn’t want to hurt Namia, but she was one of the brainwashed mythics that was important to the city, making her an important role to his escape.

 As he predicted, Namia slammed into the barrier, voltage ran right through her feathers, and sent her into shock. Her rider, the scientist, alerted others as he held on for dear life to the screaming griffin. The moment Dax saw the barrier open around Namia, releasing her from its grasp, Dax spiraled down, pushing Namia farther into the barrier, forcing the scientist in charge of the barrier to open enough space for him and Namia.

 Slipping through the space, Dax shot himself into the sky to gain altitude. Now, the task force would be after him. Meaning, he’d need to hide. Eyes landing on a forest between two mountains, Dax drove himself to max speed. This was an ability he saved only for emergencies. He couldn’t sense the task force behind him at first, then he heard the five screeches, his heart memorized long ago.

 Ironically, the task force was what he wanted to be when he first gained control of his mythic side. The moment he realized their job was to kill and not ‘arrest’ any escapees he turned to other possible job careers. The task force never set out for longer than forty eight hours. Once the forty eighth hour hit, the council decided that if any escapee were to survive that long (which ninety percent didn’t) they were granted ‘relief’ from the city to do as they pleased.

 Only two mythics before him managed to escape the task force. Reverting into his human form, Dax slipped into one of the tree branches and held his breath. Overhead, Dax could hear the wings of one of the force. In microphone enhanced voice, the rider exclaimed, “Dax Rye. You have two choices.”

 In hearing his name, Dax closed his eyes and focused on being as still as possible. “One!” It continued. “You turn yourself in and ask for forgiveness. Then!” He inhaled. “You might be allowed to live amongst the privileged.”

Privileged? Dax shook his head. They were slaves and experiments. Even the task force was brainwashed in a way. He knew that one of them enjoyed killing which made that one even scarier.

 “Or two!” The voice was getting farther. “You hide like a coward and hope that we don’t find you in forty eight hours!”
 Dax chose the second option. However, he knew the force was to give hope of survival in the first hour. After that, they’d tear through terrain to find him. As the voice disappeared in the distance, Dax let out his first actual breath. His palms were sweaty. Was he really that nervous?

 There had to be a safer place he could hide until the two days were up. At that point, he’d have to go to the only water source outside of the city and hunt in the forest, where most of the game was located.

 Calculating his requirements, Dax stood on level ground. At least in human form he was smaller and it wasn’t as easy for them to find him. Hearing a shuffle in the distance, Dax ducked under an uprooted tree root. Pushing himself as deep into the root as possible, Dax lowered his breath.

 “I can smell ‘em.” A husky voice emerged from directly above him. “The kid’s real close.”

Friday, January 20, 2017

Week Three: Unhinged: Fate

 Wind whistled and steps echoed. Before them were mountains upon mountains. The snow drizzled against the entrance to the cave. As the scarf danced with the wind and dressed itself in snow, the elder stood, quiet, and patient.

 “The snow is heavy this year.” Commented the other elder, who stood over the other by about a foot.

 “They are awakening.” Replied the other. Silence swirled around them as they observed the mountains, thinking of the calamity that was due to unravel.

 “Yes.” The taller one spoke. “But eons have passed. This…” The tall one muttered. “This can only be a chance.”

 The shorter one nodded. “Awaken they will… Haste may there be. There is nothing we can do but watch…” The shorter one sighed. “For our turn has passed.”

 Meeting each other’s misty eyes, the two nodded an understanding that left a bond in the air. For only between them was a commitment as close as theirs. Heading back into the cave, the two left to head to their quarters.

 Up in the air spoke the words of nature, a language many feared and admired. Soon, a storm would hit the mountain range, eroding any chance of escape from its arm’s reach. At the edges of the storm would be invisible lines that no one would dare to cross for the next hundred of years. However, many expeditions would attempt this crusade. Leaving markers where each explorer would leave their mark.


 Heather placed her spear in the snow, its electric pulse melted the contact of the icy drizzle attempting to make it one of its own. Her breath visibly allowed the world to know that she was not holding herself together for much longer.

 Her fingers began to lose their feeling and the snow had managed to weigh her down. The only source of external warmth that Heather had was her spear and even that seemed to sting as she placed it to the side for a moment.

 As Heather's muscles began to tense she felt her breath slow as she fell into the snow. Her whole body began to go numb as her vision began to blur. Heather's spear crackled in the distance, only inches away from her grasp. Slipping into a subconscious state, Heather laid, her breath short.

 Dreaming, Heather wandered to the edge of a path. It was unusual to see a perfect line of snow separating itself from lush grass. Only a few minutes would pass as she wandered into the depths of the snowy land. Seeing herself in third person view, Heather watched as a few minutes became an hour, and an hour became two. Inaudible, Heather attempted to scream to herself to turn back. Sadly, she watched herself press on. What she did notice as she watched herself in third person was the trail she had left behind. After the fifth or sixth step, her footprint would disappear.

 Was the snow that heavy? It couldn't be. She remembered believing that the snow probably ended eventually. An hour tops would be what she would give herself and then she would turn back. However, as she saw the time go by in her third person self she felt fear rise up into her chest. This was it. She wasn't dreaming. Her death would be here and that had to explain why she was reliving the last moments of her life.

 Heather watched in dread as she placed down her spear to readjust her shoe. This was the moment she began to realize her own mistake. Falling, Heather turned away, bringing her attention to letters in the snow, where her footprints were supposed to be. "Those who have honor, shall fall. The lost will never find, and one with us they shall be, until the next dawn breaks, when the Guardian awakens."


 The Elders speak,
 Many shall fall,
 Away in another dimension a Guardian awakens, for the Guardian of the Elder’s world has not risen
 Around the world, the mythic’s will emerge.
 The modern days will see the past.
 Together, the pieces will find their place.
 Chaos, the world believes it to be,
 A new beginning shall the world’s eyes see.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

About Unhinged W1-4

  Those of you who have come to this blog to read about dragons might now know that I had a different story long ago that I wrote for years and finally ended up... Well, trashing it. I called it Countered Reputations. If you go to my Wattpad you'll be able to see a portion of it I believe. The story started about a girl name Sinoak Katotohanak (Who am I? I am reality.) She was a wonder to the world she was in. There was the 1st realm, 2nd realm, Dimension, and the 3rd realm which I don't think I was able to introduce. The main idea that came out of those years or writing and rewriting that novel was that there is this possibility of other realms, other universes, other dimensions... Whereas I used the term 'realm' as a different place in a different part of the world, or a place that held a different world entirely, the actual definition of realm is 'a kingdom'. Dimension in that novel was a place that existed at the same time as the 1st and 2nd realm but it solely consisted of demons. While the 1st realm was a 'normal' realm where magic could only be used and not conjured while the 2nd realm consisted of elements existing within people so they could conjure.

  So far in Unhinged I've introduced Mythics, which are mythical creatures. There is a Guardian, which has many things about her that make her this role. I also have mentioned 'Fate' in these chapters 'fate' will be told to bring forth the bigger picture or a different perspective when it comes to a mythic, the guardian, or something else.

  I hope that I can keep you all here when it comes to this new story. I know it isn't solely about dragons but I would like to bring Mikey, Xeq, Vile, and the others into this story eventually or maybe here and there. They are probably going to interact with Dax considering that he's a dragon/

  Overall, I hope I can keep you all here. Thank you for coming by and enjoy reading!

Friday, January 13, 2017

Week Two: Unhinged: Fhei

 All around her snapped bits of flames. She thought of jaws as she attempted to think of a solution. On her skin, she could feel the breath of the fire radiate its heat. Where was she? More important, where were the others? In her household, there were her two brothers and their mother. Did her mother forget about her? Was she the only survivor? Her heart jumped out of her chest as she started to sweat. A searing pain emerged as she stepped forward to avoid one flame. Landing her foot onto the thin plank, Fhei let out a scream of panic as she watched half of her knee disappear under the floor. As the flames crawled closer, tears emerged from her eyes. Closing them to avoid the stinging pain from the smoke and coughing out the last bit of air left in her the world began to sway. Fhei felt her body fall forward due to the loss of balance, in her chest she felt the air that pounded, begging for her to release it. Breathing in, she felt her throat burn worse. Pushing the air pocket stuck in her throat she tried to breath out. Exhale. She thought. Breath! She screamed to herself. Failing, Fhei felt her cheek burn. The flames had pounced, and she was defenseless


 Gasping for air, Fhei jolted awake. Around her was a valley, maybe a meadow? All she knew was that she was curled up in a stranger’s jacket in the middle of a flourishing pasture. Breathing in the fresh air she noted that the smell of water. Listening, she turn towards the rushing sound and sat up. Before her was a waterfall, she even saw a doe eating grass in the distance.

. Feeling a twist in her stomach, Fhei grunted. She felt like she hadn’t eaten for weeks. Finding the strength to push herself up, Fhei began to walk towards the water. With each step, she could feel a strange stretch in her left leg. No, that wasn’t it. She thought to herself as it began to itch and then burn. Waiting until she was a foot away from the water, Fhei looked down at herself. In her reflection she saw a mark on her face, running from her cheek to her neck and stopping on her collar bone. She was wearing a stranger’s oversized long sleeve.

 Observing herself, she gripped her hand into a fist, stopping herself from scratching the irritated area. On her left leg she had a third degree burn marked by her jeans behind her calf. The raw skin oozed and almost made her hurl at the sight. Panicked, she lifted her left leg, now feeling the pain twice as much, and slipped her leg up knee deep into the water.

 Gripping the bottom of the oversized long sleeve, Fhei held back a yelp as she felt the cool water graze her wound. Breathing heavily, Fhei rubbed her stomach in reminder of her hunger. Wherever she was, she wasn’t in Colorado Springs. The thought of home made her heart twist. Where were her brothers? Were they okay? What about her mother? What started the fire? And why?

 Once your mind will clear, you will see the true world
 One as vast and precious.
 Emerge, you will from your ashes.
 For the Guardian has awaken 

 Alert, Fhei quickly looked to her left, then to her right. All around her stood the meadow. Trees stood tall on the other side of the river and behind her was a pasture, clear as the eye could see. No one was with her, so who was that? She thought. Cupping her hands, Fhei sipped the water to ease her throat.

 After drinking her fill, Fhei lightly brushed the back of her hand to her raw calve. She’d have to wrap it to make sure it wouldn’t get worse. Slipping out of the stranger’s long sleeve, Fhei rung out the what part of the sleeves she had dampened then looked over her body once more. She wore her bra and jeans. No one seemed to be around so she felt comfortable. Breeze brushing against her skin, Fhei closed her eyes to think.

 Once her mind was clear, she would see the world. So did that mean she was in a fake reality? Was the third degree burn, the meadow, the fire… was it all a dream? Fhei brought her right hand to her left arm and pitched herself. Grunting, she pulled her hand away. If it all wasn’t real then she certainly felt pain.

 One as vast and precious. Looking around at the quiet nature surrounding her, she wonder, what could be more beautiful than this? The animals didn’t seem to mind her, the wind wasn’t cold and the rush of the water made her feel calm. Compared to before she blacked out, she would consider this heaven… Was it?

 Emerge, you will from your ashes. She was burned. But she wasn’t charred to death. Touching her right arm with her left hand she felt her skin and the goosebumps that appeared because of the wind. Would her cheek wound and calve burn heal? She certainly didn’t consider this emerging from ashes. All around her was good fodder for a fire but she hoped with all her heart that it wouldn’t be engulfing her in a flame any time soon. Touching her face, she hissed. It stung as she touched it. Cupping her hands again, she poured some water down her face. Biting her lip, she closed her eyes and leaned into towards the stream to apply more of the cool water.

 For the Guardian has awaken. Guardian? Taking in her surroundings once more, Fhei gazed at the sky and wondered. Was an angel supposed to appear and comfort her? Had she done something good in her life to appear in this beautiful meadow? Thinking of what she had done in the past week made her head spin. There was nothing. She couldn’t remember any of it. All she could remember was that she had two brothers and a mother. There was no doubt that she had a father but he had never been in the picture. No friend’s faces appeared. No recognizable voices played in her ears. There wasn’t even a last name that appeared in her mind.

 Colorado Springs. The only place she could remember the name of. Inhaling, Fhei let out a sigh then closed her eyes once more. Clear her mind. There was hardly anything left to clear it of. Did that mean she had to forget who she was entirely? As she attempted to think of absolutely nothing, Fhei felt her burn on her cheek and calve emerge to her forefront. She had no experience in the natural world nor did she have any memory of what world she was from. Feeling the water rush past her fingertips, Fhei listened to the world around her. Maybe she was already in that precious vast world the voice had mentioned. Or was it her own thought? Looking down at her reflection, she stared into her own eyes. When would she wake up?

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

January Schedule 2017

 Research and Review Links 10:00AM PST

Any change in the schedule/ notices 10:00AM PST

One Shots (If Any)

 Personal Notes 10:00AM PST
(Thoughts on Stories, any comments on anything else posted)

Unhinged 10:00AM PST
(2017 Mythic Experience) 

Featured Stories 11:00AM
(A day to my followers and friends read their work.
The title will suggest if it is a dragon story of not)


Unhinged Weeks 1-4

Friday, January 6, 2017

Week One: Unhinged: Dax

 When Dax opened his eyes the world stood still. For a moment, he couldn’t feel his body. In the next, he coughed to clear an itchy feeling in his throat. The blanket that secured him with warm sizzled as he shook his head and beat his chest once to cough again. This time, a different warmth came over his body. A flame of some sort. Gripping his hands into a fist, then releasing his hold, he closely inspected his hands then looked down at the rest of himself.

 Decorating his hospital bed were ashes from a recent fire. A fire? But shouldn’t he be burned to the slightest at least? Brushing the back of his left hand over his thigh he tilted his head in confusion. Before him, a door sounded shut. Meeting the person’s mask, Dax stared in confusion.

 The person was wearing a full body suit. One he would think to be used in a quarantine situation. However, the only addition aspect of the outfit was the fact that it was metal. Or at least, one that didn’t burn easily. Glancing back down at the ashes, Dax’s eyes widened. Was the person in this armor because of him? How did he get here? Why were they helping him? Who was he?

 Slowly. the person approached. In each step, Dax figured that they knew where the line would be and when they could cross it. Although, they also knew when to approach him. Suddenly, a cold touch caressed his right bicep. Lacing his warm hand over it, he cringed in the feeling of a hard leather. No, that wasn’t it. A cold…frozen? Slipping his fingers against the foreign right side of his body, Dax finally looked down at what he was touching. Scales.

 In alarm, Dax made eye contact with the being in the suit. This unknown being stood still and waited for an approach. Pointing to his bicep, Dax looked back at the person for confrontation. Well? He thought. Help? He wondered, trying to find his voice.

 Taking a moment to lay eyes on what Dax was pointing to, the unknown being in the suit took its first step forward. This time, Dax understood so he breathed in and let out a small sigh, slightly alarming the being but not stopping them from approaching.

 Finally, at his bed side, the unknown being’s face was visible through the mask. The mask was tinted a pitch black, which is why he didn’t understand how he could see through it but he didn’t bother to ask. Lifting his right arm he nodded towards the scales on his arm, as if asking a question.

 There were no words at first, the unknown being didn’t seem surprised by his abnormality. As it tried to think of an explanation, Dax explored the unknown’s facial features. A circle face, small nose, big lips, and amber eyes. Amber? How did he know that? Shrugging it off, he noted as he saw the person’s complexion. A female. But why were the eyes so important? Whose amber eyes was he thinking of?

 Putting the thought away Dax leaned his right arm towards the female for her to glance at. She didn’t seem too surprised, but she did seem skeptical. As if to wonder, “It’s possible… But how?”

Taking a deep breath, Dax turned away from the woman to cough once more. This time, he could feel the heat radiating off his face. Opening his eyes in time to see the residue, Dax quickly turned to his companion and looked for a reaction. She didn’t move. She wasn’t frozen. She was observing. But why?

 Tilting his head and leaning in towards her mask,he met her amber eyes. This made her take a step back and look away. Holding a fire extinguisher (how did he miss that?), the female turned to him and held the hose in his direction

 “Don’t get too comfy on the fire breathing, Dax Ryx. You’ve already caused enough damage to this world…” The female’s voice sounded young. “Now we’re here to help you so please…” She sighed. “Do what you can to cooperate.”

 Turning to her in annoyance and aggravation, Dax remembered the other name she had place with his first. That had to be his last name. But what damage had he done and why were they trying to help him? What was wrong with him? Looking back at the scales, Dax took his left hand and tried to grab a scale, instead, his hand converted into a claw, ripping into his human skin that surrounded the scales.

 Agonized, Dax winced. Now why would his own body do that to him? He had no control on whether he could have a hand or a claw. One idea was for sure, he had to be part something else. There was no way he was full human. Maybe he wasn’t even human.! Feeling his heart beat race in his chest Dax noted that at least his heart was in the same spot as a normal human heart would be.

 In the distance, the female shook her head. “Poor you, being in the state you were in for so long…” She sounded sympathetic. “I’m sure you don’t remember what happened.” She nodded. “However, the real question is, should I tell you?”

 Of course you should! Dax thought still unsure how to access his vocal cords. So far, all that came out was breaths and fire and between the two he rather not try to speak out fire balls. Was that even a possibility? Taking a good look over his body, Dax noted every part of him that seemed non human. One aspect that he picked up was that they were all patches of scares. On his knee cap, his arm, his shoulder, his chest, and even part of his face had scales on them. An emerald green outline and a forest green fill made for a beautiful coating. However, why? Those parts of him didn’t feel any different.

 Sitting up, Dax stretched,opening his mouth and receiving a hose end of the fire extinguisher. Leaning forward, Dax looked behind him, slapping himself in the face with his own tail. Shaking his head, he stared as it twitched in a wavy motion, similar to how a cat’s tail would interact as if it were ready to play. Turning to the unknown for answers, she nodded. “You’re a hybrid, Dax, and we’re here to protect you.” 

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Unhinged: Prologue

  Saw that there was a +1 on the "Taking Flight" prologue that I was trying to put together. Turns out, Unhinged will be the 2017 project instead. Sorry for the short notice everyone! However, I was able to put these chapters together a lot smoother than Taking Flight so at least I have a story to tell you all.

  Unhinged - mentally unbalanced

  This series will be in the same world as Revelation of Dragons. I'm not 100% sure if I'll add in the original characters (Xeq, Vile, Mikey, and ect) but this series will be telling another perspective of a world unsure of whether of not it wants mythology to be real. Where as mythology creatures find their 'trueselves' as young as nine to the average of fifteen there will be 'mythics' and they are being hunted per say. They are placed in quarantine and observed.

  Whereas Revelation of Dragons was more of a goal breaker, Unhinged will be more of a series that I write in comfort and creativity. Yes, I want to hit 52 weeks with you all. And I'm sorry that has swayed throughout the years. But I do enjoy writing these for you all and I'm glad that some of you have stuck around as long as you have!

  Overall, Unhinged is more about the bigger picture and the pieces that make up that picture. So far there is Dax, a dragon, a mythic. Fhei, she takes on a more spiritual, sorcery type of vibe. She hears voices,  can see spirits, ect. Then I have chapters of 'Fate' which will try to bring the bigger picture into play while forcing on pieces as well.

  I've enjoyed writing it so far and I hope you all will stay and keep up! Thank you for being here. -Dj