November 20, 2014
Review one:
The Dragon Chronicles (PBS Nature Documentary)
Oct 18 2014
Rom Whitaker
The video was in a logical order. A friend of mine asked me if dragons are dinosaurs and I told him that they have different origins. Birds, reptiles, and dinosaurs. But when someone says dinosaur there are winged dinosaurs, land dinosaurs, and marine dinosaurs so it’s as if asking if a dragon is of this general type of creature.
Personally, I want to keep my belief open to all possibilities. They could be have originated through birds or reptiles. More often than not do I come across the reptile perspective. The video messed up in the last ten minutes even though I refreshed it so I recommend fourty minutes of the video but the conclusion is all in the last ten minutes so I wish there was a better version of the video. They might have done that in order to raise sales because one can buy the video for twenty USD.
There is no way to comment on the video so I can’t tell them. There’s only 1,140 views as of me watching and three thumbs up but I wouldn’t give a thumbs up because it eding is ruined. There are thumbs down.
This video managed to connect different parts of the world to dragons and I believe that the only culture that truly does not have dragons is American culture because we don’t have a specific culture.
In my city alone, in the little grocery store that I work in, I hear ten languages at the minimum because we are an Asian Market/ store. I hear English, Spanish, Thai, Vietnamese, Laos, Cambodian, Hindi, Japanese, Korean (on occasion), Tagalog, Ilokano, and not counting the ‘dialects’ that I can’t register. I wish America had it’s dragons but are a culture diverse country and it more often than not clashes even though not every speaks of it.
Review Two
Beyond Science
Real Dragon Captured by Fisherman
Mysterious Giant Stone Circles in the Middle East No One Can Explain
This guy’s youtube channel has clips that talk about the an array of ideas. I could probably watch him all day but none of this videos truly answer anything. They’re more of speculation videos that are entertaining to watch and they have what people have to say because he has a list of comments that I would go through but I’m not willing to fight against people who want a religious battle and political battle against dragons.
There are many cultural proofs of dragons. My teacher would be proud of me for telling you guys that there is a Logos, Pathos, and Ethos argument for dragons so I will stand by and say that I believe they are real but I’m okay with them not being real. They’re amazing creatures and hold historical value. They still have an effect today and that’s what matters to me the most.
To explain the Logos, Pathos, and Ethos that I mentioned earlier these are types of argument approaches. Ethos is the ‘greater being’ (nature, God, deity, ect) approach. In the bible God mentions Dragons in Revelations. However, nature has it’s virtues and also has its history of proving Dragons were once here and may still be. The huge hole in asking whether a dragon is real or not is the sheer fact that people define dragons differently and that’s why no one will ever be able to say what a dragon to 100% is real. Unless we all agree on the same beliefs and I already say in my point of view I’m open to suggestions and I don’t believe giving dragons a set definition will be 100& accurate.
Logos is the logical point of view.But in all reality what exactly is logic? Is it what one can sense with one of their five sense or is it what has been drilled into us as being logical? Getting away from that question, however, I will say that in this approach one would go with a ‘scientific’ point of view and there are documentary and many video that fight for Dragon’s existence.
A Pathos approach would be an emotional one in this case one would fight through culture. I believe that history could also provoke proof in Pathos as well as Logos and even an Ethos point of view.
November 21, 2014
Review Three:
The Legend of Atlantis
*Part One
End of hour one
Review: After watching this video for an hour I have to say I stepped into an abyss of speculations that I didn’t want to get into. In order to figure out anything in this world one must have an open mind. Personally, aliens don’t grasp my interest as much as the medieval era, mythology, dragons, or anything. But if I am going to have enlightenment about this world I’ll have to accept that they are a possibility and they are out there.
Doing this research and hearing all these ideas mess with one’s perception but it helps in the long run to expose oneself to different perspectives otherwise there will not be an improvement in choice, in acceptance, or chance. In honestly, in my belief system (whatever it may be) I have come to find that I rather believe in fairies rather than aliens.
Although, this all helps with bringing the story together. The video I had watched in august apparently has been deleted and now I want to turn to books to read because those can’t be deleted. I’ll be keeping everyone up to date of my research and keeping the links up so that an opinion may be formed on ones own.
Review Four:
The Lost City of Atlantis
The UnXplained Factor
Latest Update: December 2006
Review: The first issue that I have with this place is that it hasn’t been updated in eight years, the author the person who holds copyright but doesn’t give their name. I could probably look back at their first post but I can’t exactly figure out what came first.
Regardless, a myth is a myth and I’m going to read over this in order to figure out what steps I should take next.
Here is the display of where I believe Atlantis is due to the videos that I watched
Pluto tells story = Greek
Egyptians = Mediterranean
Volcano = Image 1
According to building structure bigger island
Earthquake = Teutonic plate line
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