Friday, March 27, 2015

Week Thirteen: The Descendant: Glimpsing Dreams

 Setting her down on one of the beds Anguished looked up at Will. He wanted to help, if that was possible. Will shook his head.
 “Train her tomorrow, she should be fine then but right now she needs rest and that’s all that you can give her.”
 Anguish nodded in understand and left the cabin with Nico at his heels. Looking down at Elli, Will called Nico back for confirmation. Reentering, Nico looked around at the Apollo kids trying not to make eye contract as they all stared at him with wondrous eyes.
 “Get your cabin buddies to do me a favor and stop looking at me.” Nico muttered.
 Will shook his head. “You and I have been talking more lately, no can do.”
 Nico rolled his eyes. “What’d you need?”
 Will pointed at Elli’s eye where the curse mark had disappeared. “Do you sense anything?”
 Nico nodded. “It’ll reappear again, let’s hope the Aria doesn’t do anything else while she’s in there.”

 Elli hadn’t dreamed in a long time. For the most part, she hadn’t slept well and when she did manage sleep there was always a case to get her to forget what she dreamt about but this time. Elli shuddered at the wicked laugh that echoed through the halls.
 “The curse shall not be lifted until she is found. Silly girl, she thinks she can run.” The wicked voice cachinnated.
 Vision flashing to inside the building, Elli shuddered at the sight. On the wall in chains was her father, Vas. He was unconscious and had bruises all over him. Elli wanted to jump up and fight but Elli’s voice laid silent as she hid in the shadows of her dream.
 “The poor girl doesn’t even know you’re gone.” She smiled. “Too bad Alethia always hid in the shadows anyway. She wasn’t much for a Goddess. Why do you think hardly anyone knew of her?” The slender woman with long black hair snickered. “But they knew about me, Apate and I’m glad that they know. Pandora’s box wasn’t always comfortable you know.” She whispered in Vas’s ear as if he could hear her. “Alethia knows nothing of you, she only know of her daughter and she doesn’t care.” The woman named Apate grinned. “Which is why I shouldn’t keep you, but to get to the girl you hold much value.” She smiled. “Thank you for keeping your word.” She grinned as Vas’s eyes lit up and a dark voice replied to Alethia.
 “Of course, my queen. We shall make her children perish one by one.” A grin stretched on Vas’ face from ear to ear, making Elli shudder. “There are not many and we have all the time in the world now that Gaea has fallen.”

 Elli woke to a cold sweat. One of the Apollo kids held her hand gingerly. Her eyes were blue like Will’s. Elli assumed that this was a trait for their father considering most of the Apollo kids had the same eye color.
 “Bad dream?” The girl said quietly.
 Elli looked into the girl’s eyes, she could tell that the girl was truly concerned for her. “How’d you know?” She wondered.
 “It’s not uncommon around her.” She said. “Will told me you might have one based on what happened a few hours ago.”
 Elli’s eyes widened. “Wait, a few hours ago?” The dream felt like it had lasted a good five minutes.
 The girl nodded. “Yes, we’re about to start our campfire sing along.” She smiled. “I’m glad you woke up for that at least.”
 Elli raised an eyebrow. “Campfire sing along?” She said in confusion.
 “Yea.” The girl smiled. “My cabin tends to lead the songs, I play the flute to help out with the music.” She said pointing to a small rectangle case at her feet.
 “You were going to miss it if I didn’t wake up…” Elli said more to herself than to the girl.
 The girl readjusted her sitting. “I would have played you a song when you woke up.” The girl smiled, Elli could feel the slight longing to go to the campfire, Nico had showed it to her on her tour.
 “Well…” Elli smirked, looking down at her stomach as it declared war. Both the girls laughed and then the girl got up to retrieve something. When she came back, she had a lettuce wrap and a couple of spring rolls.
 Elli looked at the food in amazement. “Aren’t you guys Greek?” She questioned.
 The girl laughed. “Well, you’re not exactly ‘not’ Greek” She smiled. “We have all different cultures here at Camp Half Blood.” She explained. “Yes, all of us are half Greek but all of us are half something else too.”
 Elli nodded, “Thank you…” she muttered.
 “Celeste Von.” The girl smiled.
 “Vietnamese?” Elli questioned in amazement.
 “Yes ma’am.” Celeste smiled.
 “Eli Triad.” Elli grinned. “I don’t’ know what I am but we’ll find out.” She smiled.
  Celeste nodded. “Can you play any instruments?”
 Elli shook her head. “All I know how to do is help with a criminal investigation.” Elli shrugged. “That’s all I’ve done to keep me safe until recently.”
 Celeste looked at Elli in concern. “No instruments?”
 Elli was surprised at Celeste’s answer. “No.” Elli smirked. “Never really tried.”
 Immediately, Celeste shot up and rummaged through the closet of instruments setting out some that were curved, had strings, or were made out of metal.
 “Pick one, I’ll teach you!” She exclaimed.
 Elli laughed. “I…I don’t know.” She nervously laughed. “What about that one, it looks simple enough.”
 “The bongos!” Celeste grinned. “Very easy.” She said as she set them on her lap and explained to Elli the different parts then demonstrated.
 Elli looked at the bongos in intimidation. “So, depending on how you hit it you can change the sound?”
 “Yes.” Celeste clapped demonstrating one more time then setting the bongos in front of Elli.
 “You try and I’ll wash that plate for you.”
 Elli looked down at the bongos. She should have picked one of the metal instruments because she was so attracted to metal but they seemed more confusing to use. Using her palm, she hit the edge of the bongos and Elli could hear Celeste cheer.

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