Thursday, April 9, 2015

Little Hints and Realizations

  After rereading chapters one through seven in Revelation of Dragons 2014 I realize I made quite a few mistakes. I mentioned that Xeq ad Zamer were not engaged so I went back and changed that... I also known that one of the chapters in 2014 is pointless. That's chapter eight which is called "Trying Again" It mentions Mikey's somewhat crush on his friend's sister. BUT in 2015 he gets a girlfriend so... What? Lol

  Another little mistake I made is that I thought Vile was 17 this whole time. Turns out I wrote him as 18. So it looks like I'm going to have to start taking notes. Usually I can retain all this information but over a year time spam? Some gets lost. I also know that I say that Xeq was 19 later. Orignally I meant for him to 20. UGH.

  There is also a scene where Mikey and Vile go to New York. HOWEVER if they did that means Luis would have run into them. Considering that the new rule I made up for the treaty consist of one male and one female dragon and yet... they're both males so he would have had to do something then.

  I also know that in the current story the time is Thanksgiving. That's what I meant for it be and yet... What time did the other part of the story take place. I knew it was short but I still need to know myu references.

  According to my first mentioning of Vile's eyes I said that they were Hazel which is fine because they can change colors. Later on, I say that is eyes are Oceanic blue then Sea green so at the same time of Hazel being different colors. I seriously need to set something in stone XD.

  When I wrote in Luis I also realized that he doesn't have an eye color set. I said his father had chocolate brown eyes. But when I talked about him and his dragon form I forgot to choose a color so I'm sitting here thinking yellow and red BUT FLINT/FELIX has red orange eyes and a crimson tint.

  Mistaking Flint and Felix seriously pissed me off. I wrote a one shot with the guy name Flint but then I carried that into the story and that's when the problems started to arise. When he first mentioned he's Felix the rest of the time? He's Flint. And I don't want to keep his name as Flint. I like Felix so! With further or do I'd like all of you to know that Flint IS Felix and since blogger doesn't re post on the day you posted I'll have to wait until I can put it up for edit. What a stupid. Stupid. Mistake.

  Alas I still have Gwyne up in the air. I'm thinking Griffin but who knows. She needs to be something that comes in between Dragon and Dragon Slayer. Something that wants to deceive both dragon and human? Or anything mythical at all? I don't know I sort of want to make her a villain or someone who's in the way.

  I do know that when I wrote about Racheal in the fanfiction I misspelled her name so... Who knows how much other shit I'm going to throw myself into when I check back on that story. For those of you who don't know I'll be going on vacation for six weeks. End of May to early July so I'm hoping to cover up to the end of July at least in both stories.

  With this whole new Dragon Slayer concept I can work up chapters especially since I'm giving Mikey a main plot now. I can't wait until my cousin sees this. He's going to be like O_o whoa. I'm involved. But anyways. Mikey and Bahram are going to have some fun later on. Especially since I have a few secrets I'm going to keep from you because we don't spoilers. Telling you all about Gwyne is more an idea and a concept. It isn't exact information so I can tell you about her all I want because I still have no idea what she's going on set. I mean "who the hell is she" XD

  Revelation of Dragons 2014 is more about research. You have my modern mix in their about the Hydra's Heart because that's not true. I made it up. But that's the fun of story making. Then you have the Wyvern and me trying to figure out what they are and their history. (None of the books I have contain information about them by the way).

  When I did a survey with a few of you I got the fact that you all wanted Nose mythology. I've avoided Thor and Loki not on purpose but because I didn't know how to add them in there but I promise, you will see them... eventually.

  I'm thinking because Mikey is involved with the God of the sea (also known as a giant not a God) he may run into Thor or Loki but not interact with them majorly because of the curse. OR maybe he even gets cursed again who knows... Maybe I can get Bahram involved in the gods. I haven't heard many bad stories about Thor but that's only because I haven't done my research now that I have a book containing most of the Gods I can go through them and search. I also have a extented source. It only does good enough to tell me what exist where but that's enough to say.

  Texas has the chupacabra and New York has something but I can't think of the name at the moment. I sort of Supernatural when I view the map that have of superstitions. I don't want the brothers to go into each state fighting and meeting those superstitions but I would like to have a time where those superstitions are met!

  There might be a human involved in that story who realizes that there's more to this world and begins to see all the myths come to life. I don't really care for fairy tails but fairies.. Old time 'I'm going to steal your newborn' fairies? I'm going to add them in. Now, I'd like to enlighten all of you with Grimm's but at the same time... That's an arch to wait for since I don't have the book that contains them all.

  Pretty soon there will be too many characters and so many stories... I want to add a werewolf. I already have but he's not too dominate yet. I'm thinking Werewolf Vampire war but that might be too cliche. Maybe Vampires and Werewolves have to work together against a common enemy?

  Defiantly the Blood bathing Fairies though... Who commit cannibalism... I can write murders and deaths. However, at the same time this is about learning. I'm making it into a fun little story. Maybe I should remember that. I do know that I wrote two sex scenes XD.  I'll try to stray away from that.

  What I find interesting is the fact that I start off a lot of stories that way and then it completely goes off somewhere. It's either that or murder. I can always go back on the Feng Shui and I mentioned astrology. Now that would be fun too.

  You all know that you have a say in how the story goes so if you want me to look up a certain subject tell me and I will! I better back to writing the actual story since I need to write at least 13 chapters for Revelation of Dragons before I leave and at least 8 for TheDescendant which I also need to edit... XD

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